Rhino Plush Stuffed Animal "Reba" Super Soft Video at AnimalWorld.TV
Rhino Plush Stuffed Animal "Reba" Super Soft at Anwo.com Animal World
Rhinos are the 3rd largest land animal after the elephant and hippo.
Rhinos like to live in jungles and dense growth of reed grass upon it prefers to feed
Rhinos are as fast as a horse over short distances
Rhinos horn is used as a tool and also if necessary as a weapon
Rhinos can weigh as much as 6000 pound that is equal to the combined weigh of 30 large men each weighing 200 pounds.
Rhinos are endagered, protected by law and are still struggling to survive
The Rhino is surprising related to the hog. It has 3 toes and each ends in it's own separate hoof. On each front foot their is a 4thr toe however it is no longer used and is considered to be rudimentary. There are 5 distinct kinds of rhinos. 1. Indian - Most often seen in zoos, largest, 1 horn 2. Javan - nearly extinct 3. Sumatran - Smaller size with 2 horns 4. Black - long lipped - 2 horns 5. White - Largest rhino - square mouthed -2 horns
The Eagle Logo shown above left is not only our national bird it is the symbol of our nation. The eagle soars over it's world and looks down on the world from far above. The eagle can watch the world far below, however, the eagle cannot influence the environment over which it tries to survive. We as people have an impact on all things around us, the land, the sea and in the air. The eagle with be able to observe and experience first hand whether we choose to take care of our world and it's animals or continue in our current path that will seriously jepordize the future of this beautiful world for all animals, our children and our children's children. Take it upon yourself to do your part for the world it's animals. Work to make your part the world a better place. Leave your part of the world better than you found it, improve it environmentally. Do this for all in the future and you will be be giving the world the greatest gift of all, a beautiful future. The eagle is watching.
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